1. The Origin of Life
A "primaeval soup" is postulated within which chemicals knocked together until they just happened to create a nucleic acid that reproduced itself. It sounds unlikely and if a subtle cause like a pre-existing desire to that end intervened "magically" it would be easier to accept and understand.

2. The Evolution of Species
The survival of the fittest is a truism. However the idea that random mutations of genes (mostly disadvantageous) ran on until one was found that actually helped the species is also questionable. We don't understand the genetic language well enough to assess its chances. The existence of a pre-existing desire to adapt and survive that intervened "magically" would make it easier to accept and understand.

3. The Evolution of the Biosphere
The interaction of species and environment such as the altering of the land and atmosphere and climate of the Earth in the Gaia hypothesis, also sounds unlikely unless there were an ongoing desire for all life to survive and make a home for itself. The limits and fragility of the experiment we may alas be about to discover.

4. The growth of the individual
Given a genetic blueprint there does not seem to be enough information to chart the growth of an individual with all the infinitely different whorls on each human finger for instance that is individual specific, and then spatially arranged (in most cases perfectly if no Thalidomide is administered) on a hand an arm and so on. This process could also be understood better if a disembodied program guided it.

5. Parapsychology
Clairvoyance telepathy psychokinesis and precognition all require either radical rejection of statistical theory or acceptance of a force or intelligence that goes beyond strict borders of space and time, such as, operating in other dimensions.

6. Other dimensions
Physics has overtaken its sacrosanct prohibition on more than three (or four) dimensions so that latest theories requiring 6 10 or 26 dimensions of space are discussed and it cannot any longer be said that "other dimensions are ruled out" by science, indeed science is now the worst culprit in such speculation.

7. Magic & Wonder
Going beyond 5. into the realm of everyday Pagan experience with divination and healing and weather magic and physical apports and whatever, we (Pagan practitioners) learn to live in a world that is very different from 19th Century materialist physics, but not one that, 20th Century physics imbued with the Uncertainty Principle, Chaos Theory, Catastrophe Theory, String Theory, and tomorrow's wonder theory, will be unable to reconcile in the 21st to 22nd Centuries. Traditional materialism with its philosophically fatal Determinism, is however, dead & gone & well rid of.

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